What is the ICC?

The ICC (or to give it its full title International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft) is a certificate which is intended to provide evidence of competence when requested by officials in foreign countries. It is sometimes known as the International Certificate of Competence.

The validity of the ICC is frequently misunderstood. The ICC is not the boating equivalent of the EU driving licence for road vehicles, which all EU member states are obliged to accept. The ICC’s validity is in fact determined by the visited country, so it is not a truly international qualification. It is nevertheless a valuable document when boating abroad as the ICC is the only international evidence of competence that exists for pleasure boaters in Europe.

ICC’s can be issued for the following:

  • Power Vessels Under 10m LOA
  • Power Vessels Over 10m LOA
  • Sailing Vessels
  • Coastal or Inland Waters

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RYA ICC HAndbook


Harold Neal


Alejandro Lawrence


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